Which Phone Size Is For You?

September 24, 2017

There’s something interesting happening in the smartphone sphere these years. Market intelligence provider IDC reports that phones with display sizes from 5.1 to 6 inches are enjoying a cult following. If today were the 2000s, that means amping the overall footprint to accommodate such large screen size–but hey, it’s 2017. Everyone’s pant-stretching the display without greatly affecting the overall phone size.

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Still, there are considerations you have to think about before finally splurging on some phone. Are you a one-handed user? Do you spend a majority of your time working on your large-screened phablet instead of your PC? Luckily, somewhere in the saturated market of smartphones in varying largeness, there’s a particular phone size for you.



For the pocket-phile: 4.7 to 5 inches

An average jeans pocket for women measures 5 to 6-and-a-half inches wide by 5-and-a-half to six inches deep. Men’s jeans’ are slightly larger, with an addition of one inch. Now, try to slot in the new 6.3-inch Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and you get an awkward rectangular bas-relief on your thigh. It also makes it a lot harder to sit straight or bend your knees for fear of the large device falling off.

Case in point: sometimes, smaller is better and more comfortable. Phones with display sizes from 4.7 inches (I’m looking at you, iPhones!) to 5 inches such as the Google Pixel and Huawei P10 are more pocketable, even when their entire dimensions are considered. Interestingly, the Apple iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy S8, and the Essential Phone all sport 5.8-inch screens in an overall phone size.

Get this:

  • If you prefer using smartphones one-handed

  • If you’re a fan of placing phones in your pocket

  • If screen real estate is secondary only to ultra-portability


For the power user: 5.5 to 6 inches

Barring the previously mentioned large-screened pocket-friendly phones, 5.5- to 6-inch displays such as the LG V30, Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus, Google Pixel XL, HTC U11, and the Apple iPhone 7 Plus and 8 Plus reign supreme in the media department. While their unwieldy dimensions make it uncool to carry them in any pocket, their extra screen size sure gives a lot more room to enjoy games, movies, and other media.

Also, these phones can fit in larger batteries and other hardware (hello, dual cam!) that are usually not seen in smaller phones due to their larger footprint. If you’re keen on getting these extra perks, this phone size is for you.

Get this:

  • If you’re a gamer or a media consumer

  • If you don’t mind carrying the phone in your handbag

  • If you want to strike a balance between specs (battery life, dual cam, etc.) and comfortability


For the workaholic: 6.5 inches and above

Productivity, gaming, binge-watching–you name it. Multimedia’s always better on this side of the size. But this niche is still trying to find its identity, though, because a little bump in inches plus peripherals could have made this a full-fledged notebook. Still, 7-inch screens or more are tons better if you’re a workaholic on the go.

A word of note: it doesn’t mean that getting monstrously large phones (hello, Mi Max 2!) boost cameras and other specs. In fact, it’s common knowledge that tablets and other similarly-sized devices with phone capabilities aren’t strong enough in this area.

Get this:

  • If you’re always working, even on the go

  • If you want to harness the full power of split-screen and other similar features

  • If you want full immersive experience, whether it be for focused productivity or binge-watching.


Phones have truly dominated our lives, so much that they now come in all configurations and sizes. It’s a dizzying market, sure, but there’s something wonderful in it: the understanding that there will be a phone size match for you whatever your style and preference may be.

About the writer. Luigie Hadap is a Filipino writer and educator who devours tech updates when he gets his hands on them and students when they get too rowdy (luckily they don’t).


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