All You Need to Know About 5G Technology: Explained

May 26, 2020

5G technology

Reminiscing on the years before the Internet, it is easy to conclude that the Internet- and technology- has changed our lives. 

For instance, technology has brought information to our fingertips- and the sound of our voice. Of course, you are reading this article on the web. If it were to be in the 1980s, your hands might probably be covered with dust; accumulated on books old enough to be your Father’s junior brother’s best book. Now, you need not go out of your bedroom to understand how to bake a cake- issuing Alexa a prompt with your voice, or typing out your question on Google, is enough to save you a trip to your School’s library.

The main deal, however, is its ability to progressively morph overtime. Technology is not static; it is dynamic. With time, more and more nascent technology overrides the existing ones, leading to improved efficiency. This fact is proved over and over; just as the new 5G technology is doing so again.

What is 5G Technology?

‘5G’ stands for 5th generation. The new 5G wireless technology is a continuation of the trend of mobile networks – with its predecessors being 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. With the 5G technology comes a bolstering in the ease of connection between objects, humans and machines.

As an evolution from 3G to 4G suggests, a jump into the 5G technology means more internet speed, and an ability to process huge amounts of data within a short timeframe.

Ultimately, it would replace, or at least augment the 4G LTE connection you are currently used to. This means, you would potentially experience a surge in download and upload speeds, and reduced latency- the time it takes to connect to other wireless networks.

How is 5G Technology Different from Previous Generations?

You might wonder, what makes it different from the 4G network?

The one thing that serves as the main difference between 5G and other networks, is its Frequency.

If you cast your mind back to high school physics, you would probably remember something called the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves, infrared waves, ultraviolet ray, gamma-ray, x-Ray; ring a bell? Yeah. So, each of these waves all have their corresponding wavelength. Consequently, the frequency each wave would emit is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the wave. The higher the wavelength, the lower the frequency – and vice versa.

4G LTE utilizes wavelength between 0.085m-0.42m. Consequently, the frequency in use can vary from 710MHz up to 2500MHz. On the other hand, the 5G network uses wavelengths in terms of millimeter. This accounts for its extremely high frequency of 28GHz – and it’s a very wide gap from previous generations.

How Does 5G Technology Work?

What makes 5G operate at an extremely high speed, is its spectrum. That is, its ability to emit a frequency higher than 28GHz. However, this spectrum – as much as it is extremely fast- is also extremely scarce. Therefore, operators might be forced to use a mix of low-band, mid-band and high-band spectrum to deliver exceptional levels of service to their customers.

Low-band spectrum means a spectrum lower than 1GHz. It has its upsides and downsides. Its upside is that, with just a single tower, operators can provide 5G networks to people hundreds of square miles away from a single tower. On the other hand, its speed supplied would be minimally above the conventional 4G network.

Mid-band spectrum implies a spectrum between 1-6GHz. Definitely, it is a good option because it offers both a higher coverage than high-band spectrum and better speed capacity than the low-band spectrum.

The high band spectrum offers a very high-speed capacity, but it covers a limited number of people. It is very high in the spectrum, reaching about 28GHz.

How Does 5G Impact Our Lives?

Basically any benefit a faster internet connection would pose. For instance, in the field of medicine, the dream of a fully-operational telemedicine ecosystem can be achieved with the nascent 5G technology. Ranging from checking blood pressure with made-for-homes medical equipment and transmitting them to a doctor who is a screen away, to performing surgeries with the aid of 5G networks – all can be achieved.

With more rate of virtual connections leading to more rates of work-from-home job offers, ease in the rate of business transactions, and better industrial accuracy, our daily lives won’t be spared.

However, 5G would accrue more cost, and with more cost comes a need to adjust our budgets.

What are 5G Compatible Phones?

Wish to get a 5G compatible phone? Well, here’s a list:

–      Honor V30

–      Nokia 8.3 5G

–      Samsung Galaxy Note 10

–      Samsung Galaxy A71

–      Xiaomi Mi 10

–      Huawei Mate X

 Of course, there are a bunch of other 5G compatible brands out there. And, knowing them is a Google search away.  Don’t have enough cash? You could even sell financed phones to source funds to buy your dream 5G compatible phone.

Does the 5G Technology Pose Any Danger?

We have established that with 5G comes great benefits. However, does it also pose health dangers to you?

As previously said, 5G utilizes waves that belong to the electromagnetic spectrum. However, these waves are found lower in the spectrum – specifically radio waves.

Radio waves do not pose any significant dangers because they are non-ionizing – meaning they lack sufficient energy to break apart your DNA, causing you any potential danger. Higher in the spectrum- far above radio waves- is the ultraviolet wave. This is the kind of wave released by the sun; one that can potentially lead to skin cancer.

However, the radio waveband used by the 5G has shown no reputable evidence of it negatively affecting your health. In summary, you are safe.


The bottom line is, life -as we know it- is about to get better with the 5G technology. Brace up!



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