February 4, 2019
If you have lived in the United States this past week, you may have barricaded yourself inside your home, unwilling to venture out into the below-freezing temperatures. The extremely cold weather caused by the polar vortex has led to wind gusts that brought the temperatures to less than -40°F in some states. Burr! But if you refused to pass up the opportunity to enjoy the snow, you may have noticed that your smartphone was performing slower than normal. That is because below freezing temperatures can cause your smartphone to slow down or even shut off entirely. Below are tips on how to protect your smartphone in below-freezing weather.
According to Apple, iPhones can function in temperatures between 32°F – 95°F. By contrast, Samsung phones can function in temperatures between -4°F – 122°F, according to PC World. So if you want to keep your phone running below freezing temperatures, the best way to keep it warm is by using your body heat.
Cases can help protect your smartphone from the cold by creating a barrier between it and the cold weather. It is also a much cheaper investment than a new smartphone!
Consider how quickly the temperature in your car drops once you turn off the heat in your car. Now imagine that left your cellphone in it. Probably not a good idea! Apple also points to the fact that, even when turned off, leaving your phone in temperatures below -4°F may be damaging. It is not recommends to leave your device, even when turned off, in your car.
Essentially it is better to be safe than sorry! If the temperature teeters between cold and extremely cold within the same day, you may want to shut your smartphone off entirely if you feel that it is too cold. It will save your phone’s battery life and help keep your hands in your pockets and warm by eliminating the need to continuously check your phone! Click here for more tips on how to make the most out of your battery life.
If your smartphone has shut off due to cold weather, CNN Business recommends in this 2014 article that you do not restart it as soon as you get some warm. It is recommended that you give your smartphone some time to warm up before you start using it again. That is because there are other components of your cellphone that may be susceptible to weather damage and need time to recover as well.
We accept phones that are re-financed or not paid off as long as they are not blacklisted.
Sell My DeviceWe accept devices in a variety of conditions, including damaged or even broken devices.
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